Podcast Marketing: 7 Reasons Why Podcasting is Becoming the New Blogging

What’s the first thing you look at it in the morning? If it’s not your spouse or your dog, chances are you reach over to grab your smartphone and shut off your alarm.

We’re constantly on-the-go and distracted by our phones—meaning your customers are, too. So how do you reach out to the ever-busy customer? With podcast marketing, you can reach your ever-active audience, whenever and wherever they are.

51% of Americans, 12 and up, have already listened to a podcast. Your audience is listening, so give them something to listen to.

Instead of spending your time, effort, and money on blogging keep reading to discover the reasons podcast marketing is picking up popularity instead. 

podcast marketing in 2019

1. They’re Gaining Popularity

In the past year, there’s been a drastic jump in the number of people who listen to podcasts. Compared to 2018, the number increased by 20 million people this year. An additional 14 million people describe themselves as weekly listeners.

Podcasts are gaining popularity every day.

So why the sudden jump?

For starters, younger podcasts listeners are spending most of their listening time on Spotify. 40% of people between the ages of 12 and 14 listened to a podcast in a single month. That’s a 10% increase from the previous year.

When the music streaming service added podcasts, more younger listeners started subscribing.

While most people start as casual listeners, there’s a slow and steady growth. With time, those listeners become weekly subscribers.

That means you have the potential to reach your customers every week with podcast marketing.

Launching a podcast can help you reach your customers on a regular basis. The more often people are exposed to your brand, the more likely they are to recognize your brand. As the podcast popularity increases, your brand’s popularity could increase, too. 

2. They Increase Website Traffic

Regardless of where people listen from, your podcast always has the potential to increase your website traffic. 

Think about it. While you’re replacing blog posts with podcast episodes, the goal is still the same: to show people your value.

What do you have to offer your customers that they can’t get from your competitors? Maybe it’s decades of experience or helpful resources they can’t find elsewhere. 

Highlighting your value within each podcast set gives your audience a reason to listen. From there, you’re also giving them a reason to visit your website and learn more. 

During a website episode, remind people about your website content. Maybe link to a specific page or put a podcast on your site. Regardless of the distribution channel you use, there are always ways you can drive traffic.

As you build an audience and attract more website visits, you’ll soon turn those visitors into paying customers.  

3. There’s Greater Brand Awareness

Sharing your podcasts on multiple distribution channels allows you to build brand awareness. The more often people see your company name online, the more likely they’ll remember it.

With every episode they listen to, you’re immersing them in your brand.

After a few episodes, they’ll start remembering your voice, style, and company name, too. 

4. Passive Consumption

The average commute for Americans is currently 25.4 minutes. During that time, we usually listen to something to pass the time.

Podcast marketing allows you to engage subscribers during their drive. Since they’re not required to read or pay attention, you can use this moment to attract their attention.

You can’t do that with a blog post while they’re driving to work (or, at least, shouldn’t).

5. Add Variety to Your Content Marketing

Seeing the same old content over and over again gets boring, fast.

Podcast marketing adds variety to your content marketing. Give your audience something new and exciting!

If your audience isn’t responding to blog posts, trying a podcast instead. Hearing the excitement in your voice can help amp up your subscribers, too.

As you start posting regular podcasts, they’ll also get excited about your new content every week. 

6. Podcasts Increase Brand Loyalty

Breaking your content up into separate episodes can also encourage people to come back every week. Think of it like a blog post broken up into a series.

Segmenting your podcasts—and ending on a cliffhanger—can help generate loyal listeners who always come back to you for more. 

In time, you can turn those listeners into loyal customers, too. 

7. They’re Searchable

Search engine optimized content helps potential customers find your business online. As your competitors start creating SEO content, however, it gets more difficult to reach the top of the search page. 

Like blog posts, podcasts are also a searchable form of content.

That means your customers, when searching for your product or service, could find your podcast online. From there, you can provide them with informative, engaging content. If you spark their interest, they could contact you to learn more or hire your business.

Search engines like Google look for engaging, interesting, and most of all unique content. You also need to upload new content regularly in order to make an impact. 

With podcast marketing as a part of your SEO strategy, you can offer your customers a new, exciting form of content. 

Some people are too busy to read an entire blog post. They might not click to your website if they realize it’s a blog. When they see a podcast link, however, they’ll click, listen, and hopefully subscribe. 

Launching a podcast can help support your current SEO strategy—and help it skyrocket. 

The more website traffic you attract, the more Google takes notice.

In time, you can rise to the top of the page and stay there, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. 

Get on the Air: 7 Reasons Why Podcast Marketing is the New Blogging

Thinking about launching a podcast now? It’s time to get on the air!

With podcast marketing as the new blogging, you can reach your target customers every week. Repetitive exposure can help you expand your brand to reach new customers.

Ready to hit the airwaves like a rockstar? Schedule a talk with us today to get started.


DesignLoud is a web development & digital marketing agency located in Wilmington, NC. Our team takes great pleasure in teaching others how to build and market their websites to see higher returns.

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